
General Correspondence in Owner’s Corporations

Communication is a key component of a good Owner’s Corporation. Having a correspondence plan that allows the Committee to keep the owners informed in a timely, concise and accessible way can make all the difference between a well-run Owner’s Corporation, and one that always seems to run inefficiently.

What is a correspondence plan?

A correspondence plan is a way to get necessary information to the members of the Owner’s Corporation, in a form that they can understand. There are two important things to consider with this, and that’s style of communication, and method of correspondence.

Style of communication

Running and Owner’s Corporation can be a complex and sometimes confusing process. When communicating with stakeholders, you need to make sure that you are getting your point across succinctly and correctly. Communications written in haste, or without consideration can end up raising more questions than they answer. Using the right style, language and tone can make all the difference between an informative communication, and one that just causes more confusion.

Methods of correspondence

There are many different ways an Owner’s Corporation Committee can correspond with Owner’s. The right mix of methods will depend on your particular Owner’s Corporation requirements, as well as the people in it. Here are some common examples:

  • Building notices– These are a simple, but effective, way to communicate information that residents may need to know, or be reminded of. Posting them in prominent common areas at regular intervals ensures that all residents notice the information.
  • Web site– A newer form of communication, but one that has the advantages of written communication, with the speed of electronic messaging.
  • Regular newsletter– Having a regular newsletter means that residents are kept abreast of major and minor developments in the Owner’s Corporation. Even when there isn’t much to report on, having a newsletter that “touches base” can be reassuring to the owners.
  • Email and electronic messaging. With social media, text messaging and email fast becoming the primary method of communication for many people, this can be a valuable tool in corresponding with residents. The key in harnessing this method is to strike the right balance between “informative” and “intrusive”.
  • Chairperson/ Secretary report– Yearly updates from committee executives can be an effective tool to keep residents informed about future initiatives, while updating them on the overall scope of current projects underway.
  • Executive committee and general meeting minutes– Minutes are an often neglected form of communication. While they can often be long and wordy, having them accessible and in an easy-to-read format can increase the confidence that owners have in the committee.

How do I know if the correspondence style and method are effective?

Every Owner’s Corporation is different. Even the same corporation can change enough over a year or two, that a communication plan needs to be adjusted. As always, getting the right advice makes all the difference. Mayfield pride themselves on keeping Owners, Committees and key stakeholders informed about the workings of the Owner’s Corporation. Let us help you find the most effective communication plan for your corporation, now and in the years to come.